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Assalamualaikum. I'm Azlan. I'm a Programmer and also System Engineer. This is non-profitable are free to view my articles... you are welcome to comment and say a words or two while you are in it.. Let's spread out a good word and have fun!
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Sila lihat post bahagian pertama ini di sini. di laluan masuk ke bahagian atas...waktu ni orang tak on the right ialah main po...
Rahsia disebalik gerakan otot - otot semasa Solat Cuba kita kaji pergerakan otot-otot kita ketika solat. Secara kasar, pada mula k...
Doa selepas solat 1 Doa selepas solat 1.2 Doa selepas solat 2 Doa selepas solat 2.1
hi.. dear readers.. guess this is my first written post for year 2012. well congrats me! *clapclapclapclap* idea menulis mula membuak buak ...
Italian Mexican Russian Somalian Korean French Taiwan Turkey Ukrain Malaysian?? Peace no war lah bro...
Svchost.exe application errors usually occurs after (or during) Windows Updates before your previous shutdown. Even if you start your PC in ...
just so for your information, you might need to know your site's IP address. here it is. you can check it out here at this Online URL T...
Solat ini dinamakan solat tasbih atau tasabih kerana didalamnya mengandungi 300 tasbih. Lafaz tasbih: Subhanallah, wal hamdulillah,...
Blog List Updates
SELAMAT HARI RAYA 2025 - *Its here again. Selamat Hari Raya to everyone. * *Here is another poem by Dr Yunus Yassin. I received it at 5:47 am in our small three-person Whats...21 hours ago
Transform Your Photo into Artistic Masterpiece with ChatGPT - ChatGPT has once again become the talk of the internet with its latest AI image generation update. This feature transforms your photos into various artis...2 days ago
Lawak bodoh Hamzah Zainuddin - *ULASAN LEWAT * TIBA TIBA sahaja timbalan presiden Bersatu Hamzah Zainuddin buat lawak bodoh dalam *podcast* Keluar Sekejap (KS) bersama Khairy Jamaluddin...1 week ago
THE HUAWEI BAND 10 BRINGS SMARTWATCH-LEVEL FEATURES UNDER RM150 - The first in the HUAWEI Band Series to offer advanced health, fitness, and QR Pay features. Malaysians can now get1 week ago
Petros’s antics costing us billions of USD, thousands of jobs and investor confidence in Malaysia - *"Project od the Year" Lang Lebah** gas field development project is first major victim of Petronas-Petros project, sources say* 14 Feb: Today couples a...1 month ago
Kelemahan dan Keburukan Seseorang Juga Merupakan Satu Rezeki - Assalamualaikum w.b.t Dalam Islam, kita percaya kepada rezeki. Dan rezeki juga sering kali dikaitkan dengan "Luck". Kita boleh berusaha untuk dapatkan r...3 years ago
Nasihat PM Kepada YDPA Untuk Darurat Adalah SALAH - DSAI Mulakan Semakan Kehakiman! - KENYATAAN MEDIA Semalam, satu permohonan untuk kebenaran bagi memulakan semakan kehakiman telah difailkan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur oleh Dato Seri...4 years ago
Muhyiddin PM8 mirip peristiwa 32 tahun lepas. - Tinggal beberapa jam lagi kita akan dapat PM 8. Istana sudah menamakan Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin merangkap Presiden Parti Peribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM...5 years ago
Menteri DAP Rasis S. Kulasegaran Sila Letak Jawatan - KUALA LUMPUR 30 Julai - Selepas mengguris perasaan orang Melayu dengan ucapan yang mengandungi sentimen perkauman tanpa mengambil kira sensitiviti rakya...6 years ago
Serius Sadis - Gambar Apartmen Sempit Penghuni Miskin Di Hong Kong (11 Gambar) - Wow Sewa rumah di Hong Kong amatlah mahal sehingga golongan kurang berkemampuan terpaksa menyewa "apartment mini" sebesar 40 meter persegi. Di sinilah mere...7 years ago
Lelaki paling gemuk di dunia lebih berat daripada disangka - GAMBAR dirakam awal bulan ini menunjukkan Franco dibawa keluar dari rumahnya. - DM Mexico City: Lelaki paling gemuk di dunia didapati hampir 90 kilog...8 years ago
Dapatkan Langganan PERCUMA IFLIX selama setahun untuk pelanggan Streamyx 4Mpbs dan 8Mbps! (BERNILAI RM120!) - Salam semua, Moga rakan-rakan semua makin dimurahkan rezki oleh Allah swt.. P/ssss :: Cik Fairy nak bagitau ni, Iflix bekerjasama dengan TM dan sekarang...8 years ago
Answering the Time-Old Question – What is Self Image? - Self image has been scrutinized by psychologists and philosophers alike for centuries. Even though there are many arguments as to what self image is exactl...9 years ago
Double Standard: Bank Rakyat beri layanan istimewa kepada kroni - Dua minggu lalu, *National Oversight & Whistleblowers Centre (NOW)* telah mendapat beberapa dokumen penting yang menjadi bukti campur tangan Menteri Perd...10 years ago
15 kebaikan sujud yang tersembunyi! - *1) membetulkan kedudukan buah pinggang yang terkeluar sedikit daripada tempat asalnya.* *2) membetulkan pundi peranakan yg jatuh.* *3) melegakan saki...11 years ago
Metroll News - Pakaian Seragam Baru PDRM Diperlihatkan Hari Ini - Kuala Lumpur - Selasa - Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahamd Zahid Hamidi hari ini memperlihatkan kepada orang ramai pakaian seragam terkini Polis Diraja ...11 years ago
Huuuu Berhabuknya!! - Owwwhhhh sangat lama gila xupdate pape kat blog nie....ada yang rindu x???hahhahaa ok lah buat permulaan setelah sekian lama xupdate blog nie so nak story ...11 years ago
last but not least - Finally . Last battle for this 4 years . Ah ! tak sabar nak jerit suka suka . Ok . fyp tak present lagi . Supervisor cakap " yani kena buat report fy...11 years ago
Pesta Buku 1Malaysia - Hai semua. Hanya mahu memaklumkan yang kami akan berada di Pesta Buku 1Malaysia mulai hari ini (30 Januari 2013) hingga Ahad ini (3 Februari 2013), bertem...12 years ago
Book Review - Imperial Life in The Emerald City - Hasil Big Bad Wolf Minggu lalu berlakunya festival buku jualan pukal di Serdang anjuran Serigala Besar Jahat. Book sale mega ini mengakibatkan aku yang ta...13 years ago
UKM & Kuantan Mountain Bike Challenge 2011 - Assalamualikum & Salam 1 Malaysia lama benar tidak aku kemas kan ruangan online aku ini..kali ini nak share skit pengalaman ataupun hobi basikal di UKM & ...13 years ago
Blog Archive
- Why Islam being treated this way?
- Why Does a Married Man Have an Affairs?
- Baby Vs Mr President
- New shushi flavour in town : Obama's Flavour
- Parents, Keep Reality Show or some shit away form...
- Dates and locations for PIKOM PC Fair 2011(I)
- Infographic : The Blogosphere We Call Home
- Fix Svchost.exe Application Error – Memory Could N...
- Most Powerful Images From Around The World Pt 1
- A Story between Me & My Boss
- More truth about Twitter!
- The Biggest Shift since the Industrial Revolution!
- 10 facts about Google
- Fact about suiciding!
- Russia is the divorce capital of the world!
- Shortest Escalator in the world!
- Mexican D-I-Y technology is really incredible!
- Original Puma T-Shirt for sale!
- Top Jokes from every Nation!
- 3 Things in Our Life!
- Abang yang marah sungguh sama itu LHDN!
- Massive migration of Stingray!
- Odd jokes from Mr Prime Minister!
- Decoration plant that dangerous to human!
- I Love Rain....Saya sangat sukakan hujan...
- Expedition to Lambak Mount Pt 1 : Pictures
- Hang Ken, Vietnam : The world’s biggest caves! (Co...
- Things need to do before you passed away! Pt 3
- Things need to do before you passed away! Pt 2
- Things need to do before you passed away! Pt 1
- Sapa Kata Injection sakit?
- Beware of 2-Way Mirror!
- Even Bear & Wolf can be together all-well-along!
- Kantoi Surat Cinta di Parking Kereta!
- Age is a mere number Pt 1
- Amazing Art of Paddy Field in Japan!
- Malaysia Will open its first Mini Hotel!
- How to save your current job easier & cheaper?
- Various Parliament fights, while Malaysian is stil...
- How bad an abortion could be?
- Funny Russia Advertisement!
- This hairy little thing is a baby Panda!
- Come back from Let-Downs & Discouragements
- Internet is a tool of deception!
- Wilayah jauh di atas Awan, Iran
- Funny Moment Pt 1
- Sammy Vellu's Legendary Quotes.
- Monalisa in a different form of art.
- Jikalau haiwan ada Facebook!
- Niagara Falls Once Froze in year 1911's Winter
- Why you should leave your office early?
- Adab - adab menutup aurat bagi Wanita.
- Jagalah dirimu sebaiknya wahai wanita.
- Man married the dead women.
- Please don't lie to kids!!
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- Evidence can sometimes irrelevant..
- humorous side of animal
- The power of Mother's Love!
- How Internet Comes at You.
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- when & how much water you should take
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- They waste it like it was nothing.
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- Figures made from recycled Watches.
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- Tong Kitar Semula jenis Baru!
- Bonggol Unta Yang Lemah Gemalai tetap Laknat!
- Little Fairy Tail Dude!
- Kawan sangat penting!
- Simple steps to success in life.
- The Know-It-All Professor Q&A
- Kebaikan buah pisang.
- Hujan Batu Di Negeri AS
- Marriage cycle
- Al Kisah Jambatan Emas Johor
- Did he fart? Or did Philips fart instead?
- How smart is Your Right Foot?
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- Fakta atau Auta?
- Apa pilihan kita? Setiap pilihan punya makna terse...
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- Teka Tekuk Penyeri Jiwa Pt 1
- Golongan Yang Rasulullah Paling Benci dan Sayang.
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- Baju Sejuk Tahun 2010
- Don't work too hard. Nobody will notice it anyway.
- Mr Bean & His Astonishing House
- payung terbesar di dunia...agaknye lah....
- 40 penyebab penyebab ditimpa kesusahan dan penderi...
- Tips menangani baju kotor anda!
- Tips menghadapi kepenatan..
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